A highly social and destructive insect, I understand it was introduced into the USA as a possible substitute for the silk worm. That failed and it is now endemic. Originally…
Get a print of ‘Wasp Preying on Monarch Butterfly Pupa’
A wasp has broken open the pupa case of a monarch butterfly and is taking apart the pupa inside. It flew away and back several times, probably taking parts of…
This picture was taken with the sun shining on the water at just the right angle so that the depressions in the water made by the insect’s legs created mirrors…
Get a print of ‘Waterstrider with Surface Tension’
Water strider, AKA (“Also Known As”) water skeeters, water scooters, water bugs, pond skaters, water skippers, Jesus bugs, or water skimmers. They can “walk on water” because of their wide…